The Estate Management Systems Blog
The EMS team is here to help you navigate the ins and outs of managing luxury properties and lifestyles — from anywhere
What You Say Matters: 5 Words That Demoralize Your Employees
Homeowners use the phrase "You’re Not A Good Fit" to dismiss staff when they want to take a chance and see what happens next. While that's their right, basing a dismissal decision on these words often reflects underlying dynamics that may not be immediately apparent from an employment standpoint.
Mega Mansion Equals Mega Changes
Owning a mega-mansion offers luxury but comes with complex responsibilities — a lifestyle shift combining prestige and new challenges.
8 Reasons Staff Evaluations Benefit Your Real Estate Investment
One hour per staff member for a review can pay dividends in operational efficiency, staff morale, and overall household harmony.
My No. 1 Secret for Getting Things Done
Implementing a proposal system ensures that staff work without assumptions while implementing homeowners' preferences.
7 Benefits of a No-Gift Policy
By establishing a no-gift policy, a homeowner ensures that the working environment remains respectful, professional, and free from unnecessary financial or emotional pressures.
Service and What It's Worth
Many luxury homeowners underestimate the importance of finding someone who makes their life more carefree and fits in with existing staff.
8 Ways to Identify Toxic Staff
Why is it important to understand and identify toxic people inside your organization?
Live-In vs. Live-Out Household Staff: Pros and Cons
This type of family dynamic is unusual these days, with many layers to consider.
Are You a Unicorn Employer?
The sooner you start climbing the Unicorn Employer ladder, the faster you’ll reap the many associated benefits.
Family Secrets and Household Staff
How to keep secrets from being divulged to your household staff — and why this is so important.
5 Benefits of Building an Org Chart for Your Household Team
These are essential to having smooth operations inside of your home.
What Happens During a Property Assessment and Why You Should Do Yours Today
This is important for any homeowner – but especially if you're new to the property.
Are You Prepared for a Power Outage? I Was Not – Here Are 10 Things I Learned
Even though I had lists of emergency preparedness procedures and supplies for this exact situation, living through it gave me a different awareness.
Gray Areas of Non-Disclosure Agreements
We need to write more descriptive language into our NDAs so everyone understands what they're getting into when they sign them.
What Should Happen During a 90-Day Employment Trial Period
Whether or not the estate manager you hired works out for you, you will have gotten something for your money and your risk.
eBook: Blueprint for Your Most Challenging Household Staffing Issues
It’s time to look at household staffing differently.
Unlocking the Secret Benefits of an Empowered House Manager: Why Homeowners Can't Afford to Ignore Them
From the first day I stepped into my role as an estate manager, I had an idea of how I thought it should be. I had been working on luxury properties for more than 20 years, but not in them. And I felt like I had hit the jackpot when I was hired for this very demanding role.
What Is a Master Maintenance Task List and How Does It Benefit Your Luxury Home?
Once built, this Excel spreadsheet is a powerful tool. The rows of information in this database can be sorted by Who completes the task (the appliance repair technician), the frequency of the task (Annual service), or the Item category (Dishwasher, Dryer, Exhaust Fan, etc.). Then all information can be added to your calendar.
Want Royal Treatment from Your Household Staff? Stop Doing These Three Things
What would it take to just say "thank you" and let your staff feel appreciated? King Charles is doing it.