Call Kelly


When you need a passionate professional who understands the private service industry and its unique challenges, simply reach out to Kelly. With over 30 years of industry expertise as a service provider and private service professional who's worked for high-net-worth families on multi-million-dollar estates, there isn't much she hasn't seen.

With Kelly's practical and honest feedback, as well as her worldwide industry connections, she will assess your challenges and provide guidance through whatever is in front of you – engage her for virtual consulting services wherever you are located.

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The Let’s Talk Package (1 Hour; $250)

How often have you wanted to pick up the phone and ask someone for advice on a particular situation? Perhaps you need a second opinion on a problem you're trying to solve.

Do you need a confidential friend for professional advice? Would you like to bounce some ideas off a like-minded individual about your next career move? Can't decide if your current situation is fixable?

Talk to Kelly - she'll give you on-the-go advice and help with strategic problem-solving. It's as simple as scheduling a video call. During your one-on-one time with her, she'll gain insight into your situation and give advice according to your unique needs.

Schedule your evening or weekend call and take a deep breath - help is on its way!

Next steps?

Upon receipt of payment, you’ll receive an email with links to schedule your time with Kelly.