Episode 8
In this episode, I talk about something not often discussed. The untold side of private service. Because NDAs make sure that what happens behind closed doors legally stays there.
Kobe Bryant’s wife winning her lawsuit against the photographers who sold the photos taken at the crash site has highlighted a focus this week on this sensitive subject. I want to change focus to the pilot who flew the helicopter that day.
Like any private service professional know, Kobe's pilot had the unspoken pressure to adhere to this “Say Yes” culture. That group had a destination, and a pilot was tasked with making that happen. If he had said "No" that day, someone else would have stepped in immediately.
Private service professionals know that logic, common sense, and boundaries do not often apply in serving ultra-high net worth clients if they want to keep their jobs AND reputations.
But at what point is the line drawn, and when do we realize that safety is more important than the implications of telling Kobe Bryant “No, we shouldn't fly today?”
Yes, Private Service Professionals are here to serve their employers, however, they are in their own right experts in what they do. They don't reach the point in their career where they get to work for someone like Mr. Bryant without being at the top of their game. Their insights have value and carry greater benefit than is often given credit for. Using that knowledge and expertise should be more important than whether they disappoint their client.
So let’s take a moment and look at the bigger picture, where we all fit in – as service providers and employers, and value the skill and experience each of us has, equally.
Thanks for listening.